August 13, 2012

[NSFW] Top $ Raz - RACE

I see what you did right there but I don't really like it. Even as a fan of Adult Swim's 2007 twisted animated television series Superjail I'm not crazy about the marriage of visuals, which makes me wonder how those who aren't fans of the show will receive this representation of a song attempting to reveal the growth of an artist on his third forthcoming release. Instead of faster, better, stronger it's more so darker, grittier and vulgar. Now, what's the rest of the album sound like? If anything an attempt at being 'different' is rewarded, but to what cost?

Reign On The Parade will be released on September 18th with feature collaborations from producers such as J-57, 6th Sense, neo-soul artist Trezure Empire, Noise Maker Media and 808 Shirts.

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