October 20, 2006

Take Off Your Badge

"Take Off Your Badge - ?" length: 04:24
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So what happens when a person becomes fed up with the police department in their locale? Well if that person happens to be an emcee then he/she might very well write a rhyme to vent frustrations or plain out challenge officers to remove their badges so they can become civillian and get their asses whipped. Take Off Your Badge is a track that makes a statement about the behavior of various persons in law enforcement but makes sure to alert the listener that every officer is not being addressed. All police are not bad. But er uh there sure are a hell of a lot that need to lose their badges because they somehow forgot that they are meant to protect and serve the people, not intimidate them and cause fear where ever they thread.

Don't ask us who?
We don't know, we just found it and decided it was interesting to listen to. Perhaps an officer of the law that raps can rebut...

Yeah and er uh, don't shoot the messanger. We haven't forgotten, 'Contagious Shooting'...

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