March 23, 2006


ATMOSPHERE Interview download 36.mb
An interview to help spread the word about his album that dropped this fall "You Can't Imagine How Much Fun We're Having". Some of the material discussed includes Epitaph records recent Hip-Hop releases, Slug's recent success with rock radio airplay, hip-hop consumer trends, and eating you own feces!!! Recorded by DJ HALO with Adam B on Subways and Sidewalks/WVOF

BIGG JUS/G MAN Interview download 34mb
Basically a promotion for his new album "Poor People's Day". Touched on a variaty of topics including sample clearances, NMS 2, Starr da Femmcee, Heironymous Bosch, and NEW CO-FLO MATERIAL!!! Great interview for both G MAN and Jus. Recorded by DJ HALO for broadcast on both WPKN/WPKM and WVOF.

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