January 2, 2008

Free Album: Sum Majere Presents....The Nobody Hole

“The Nobody Hole” is a fantasy-genre epic set primarily to hip-hop. More than just a musical piece, it is closely related to its recurring visual art theme. It follows the story of a young boy by the name of Paul Lowenfall (also known as “Pygmy Paul”) who spends much of his lonely life sketching masterful portraits of characters from his imagination. A traumatic run-in with his mentally fragile mother breaks his heart and forces him into an alternate dimension. This alternate dimension is a halfway-world, full of the sad, lonely and broken. Nothing is what it seems, everyone is a figment of their own imaginations and nobody is whole. Once he arrives in The Nobody Hole, he runs into a cast of characters who he hopes will help him get back home. Among them are a pumpkin-headed sorceress with a past as dark as void in her face, an old man with a rickety ship, and a mysterious thief with silver eyes. To make it worse, Paul’s being stalked by a psychotic killer in a panda mask that he drew with his own hands. As the journey unfolds, Paul discovers a secret deep within his blood and hidden in his drawings…

This is the first album of its kind; a Halloween tale told from the voice of an authentic emcee and involving a transmedia experience. An entire universe has been created, and this chapter is the first story in the new legend of our generation. Step over Star Wars, The Matrix and The Lord of the Rings… The Nobody Hole has arrived.

The Players:

The Emcee – Sum Majere, member of the hip-hop crew, The VJC, journalist, writer, publicist, biologist and mystic. Creator of ‘The Nobody Hole’. Also released ‘Cool Hand Luke’, ‘BatMilk!’ and ‘The Lil Folk’.

The Musician-BadTouch, also a member of the hip-hop crew, The VJC; producer, jazz musician, sound engineer, physics teacher, songwriter. Co-creator of ‘The Nobody Hole’. Has produced for the likes of LoDeck, Jak Progresso, Zeps 1, Vintage Imperial and Collective Efforts.

The Narrator-Nzinga Kadalie, Playwright, poet, writer, screenwriter, director, actor.

The Artist-Doug Hoffman, member of hip-hop crew The Boxer Rebellion, visual artist, painter, graphic designer, toy, movie and shoe connoisseur.

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